bathroom upgrades: it’s all in the details

My new bathroom was looking pretty sorry for itself that last time we checked in on it.

B's Bathroom, Pre-Makeover
Awkward storage facilities meant that items were strewn all over the counter, and said items were getting sprayed by the shower as we had yet to hang a shower curtain. And by hang, I mean we had yet to get a shower curtain.

I don’t even want to talk about our makeshift bath mat.

(For anyone that’s wondering, that’s an old beach towel that has since been converted to dog towel after baths and cleaning up muddy paws.)

Something had to be done. There had go be at least one room in the apartment that was going to function (somewhat). But when you’re stupid and convince yourself that only taking the day off for moving will somehow allow you to do all the stuff that needs to get done, it doesn’t. So I had to call in the reinforcements.

I called my parents.

Luckily, they were due for an IKEA trip so I handed them a wad of bills and a laundry list of items a mile long of things we needed for the apartment, and they very nicely came back not only with some fresh new towels, but a shower curtain and a bath mat as well.
B's New Towels
Isn’t it amazing how changing up the linens in your bathroom can make a huge difference in the design?

B's New Bathroom

For those of you that know me, you’ll probably be surprised at my choice of color scheme. I like to have at least some color in every room, even if they all verge on being quite neutral and tasteful. But the bathroom is almost entirely covered with this peachy-beige tile that makes the whole place look dingy. The matching covers on the shower curtain rod and the towel bar are also not the most flattering design feature. I chose black, white and some of that dark grey to offset the room looking too dirty all the time by giving it pops of fresh graphic elements in time to make the room look updated.

If you live in a rental, consider what simple upgrades you can complete that compliment the existing hardware in your bathroom (read: the stuff that you’d like to change but you’re legally not allowed to).

Try choosing colors and using patterns or texture to give it that extra oomph. I think the subtle tone on tone stripe of my shower curtain goes perfectly with the squares on my bathmat.

B's Shower Curtain Close-UpB's New Bath Mat

The other thing that would help is perhaps cleaning my bathroom. That could be a thing. And now that everything is put away, I’m really starting to dig that uncluttered look. Unfortunately, an uncluttered look on the outside only makes me tremble in fear every time I open a cupboard door.

Cluttered Bathroom Cupbord

I’d like to add some hooks to the back of the door for things like house-coats or extra towels. I also have a wall-mountable drying rack that is looking for a home.

Last, but not least, it would be great to give the bathroom a fresh cost of paint and stick some not so precious art on the walls so it doesn’t get damaged by steam or water.

What’s on your bathroom to-do list? Do you love it/hate it? Are you in the middle of doing it all over? Give me a shout at and tell me what you think.