how to be a good guest

We are now nine days into December, and I am pretty sure I can assume your holiday party calendar is beginning to fill up. I know mine sure is! I also know how hard it is becoming to pry yourselves out of bed in the morning as the countdown to Christmas draws nearer. So here are a few tips which will help you look your absolute best no matter how tired and in need of the upcoming holiday you are. I am going to ensure that you are the guest hosts will want to have at their parties.

It’s true we are all beginning to run a little ragged come this time of year. Our skin takes a beating, our hands and nails look like the Sahara desert and I cannot even talk about the kind of havoc that wearing a scarf does to my hair! So, let’s start by trying to make ourselves our most gorgeous for all those upcoming holiday photo-ops. The prettier you are, the more displayed family photos and albums you will have; instead of the ones we untag on Facebook or hide under the bed and in the back of closets. Believe me, you are going to want the memories one day.

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the skinny on a weighty issue

What is it about women and weight? Constantly counting calories, obsessing over a number on the scale while critiquing every inch of our bodies in the mirror before the guilt we put on ourselves for eating a burger or cupcake.

We may complain about our bodily imperfections openly but the lengths some of us go to in order to achieve our body goals are often kept quiet.

Cutting out ‘bad foods’ you love then bursting into tears because you finally cracked and ate them. Starving yourself. Binging and purging. Laxatives. Over exercising on as little fuel as humanly possible. These are just some of the realities, and extremes, some women put on themselves through, every day, to obtain what is usually an unhealthily ideal perfection.

It is sad. It is scary. It needs to STOP!

Let’s face it, we NEED food to live. It is a fact. So, why is it so many women are okay to live with this negative relationship with food? It is mentally, emotionally and physically abusive and you are doing it to yourself.

Lets break this terrible cycle, now.

My philosophy when it comes to food is relatively simple.

1) Eat When You’re Hungry 

Not eating actually ends up slowly your metabolism down to a crawl, which in the end makes it easier to gain weight. So please pick up that damn spoon and start your day off right. When I wake up in the morning I am starving! I need to eat as soon as possible or lets face it, my bitch can come out.

My easy and healthy go to is yogurt and berries. The more berries the better! Calcium, fiber, iron, protein – especially if you have Greek yogurt – vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You can’t go wrong.

2. Eat Well

It’s not rocket science.

If it grows. If it is brightly coloured. If you can pronounce the ingredients. If it’s not processed or fried, chances are it is a good healthy meal option. Carbs are NOT the enemy but make sure the majority you are consuming are whole wheat and packed full of fiber.

The more colours you eat in one meal the better, so ‘taste the rainbow’ just not the skittles rainbow, every day. Eat lean meats and dairy products whenever possible. This will help cut fat, calories and cholesterol. Yay!

I suggest carry a healthy snack in your purse or bag, whether it be a sliced apple, a handful of almonds or cut veggies – like red peppers, carrots, celery and broccoli, which are all perfect examples and ones you can find on me at any given time.

a beautifully colourful, delicious and healthy breakfast