The Twelve Days Of Christmas

The countdown to Christmas has officially begun.

There are twelve days left to make a last mad dash to the mall, tie up loose ends and wrap up the merriment before the thrill of the coming new year takes hold. So with twelve days left before C-Day what can you do to maintain your sanity and embrace the spirit of the season? Take it one day at a time.

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how to be a good guest

We are now nine days into December, and I am pretty sure I can assume your holiday party calendar is beginning to fill up. I know mine sure is! I also know how hard it is becoming to pry yourselves out of bed in the morning as the countdown to Christmas draws nearer. So here are a few tips which will help you look your absolute best no matter how tired and in need of the upcoming holiday you are. I am going to ensure that you are the guest hosts will want to have at their parties.

It’s true we are all beginning to run a little ragged come this time of year. Our skin takes a beating, our hands and nails look like the Sahara desert and I cannot even talk about the kind of havoc that wearing a scarf does to my hair! So, let’s start by trying to make ourselves our most gorgeous for all those upcoming holiday photo-ops. The prettier you are, the more displayed family photos and albums you will have; instead of the ones we untag on Facebook or hide under the bed and in the back of closets. Believe me, you are going to want the memories one day.

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christmas dinner survival guide part 2: how to be a good guest

Last Sunday, A and I were given an invitation to a dessert party. Yes, that’s right, a party, five days before Christmas, full of nothing but dessert and alcohol. I will give you a minute to fully absorb how awesome a concept is. Done? So, although I am looking forward to this party, I did take a second and think perhaps a dessert party was not the best place for me to be – considering I am watching my diet, but who could turn that down?

Luckily, since it is only dessert, it means A and I will still have to eat dinner before we go. I can eat at home – make it healthy – and fill up on good food, so I am not tempted to eat every dessert there is. The last time the hostess made a dessert it was a chocolate cupcake with a peanut butter cup core, chocolate icing and crumbled peanut butter cup on top. I know, right?!

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